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A way to describe operations on quantum state, usually consisting of several qubits (spin 1/2 subsystems with Hilbert space $\mathbb{C}^2$)
Two quantum states $\ket{0}$ and $\ket{1}$ define the computational basis.
$H$ (a Hadamard gate) is a single qubit unitary
Also two qubit unitary gates (CNOT here)
For this program: example of discrete time, many body dynamics
Model of universal quantum computation
They exist! Companies (Google, IBM, etc.) have built platforms for gate-based QC
(Mostly) concerned with unitary circuits made from unitary gates
Gate is $n$-qubit unitary $U_{s_1\ldots s_n,s’_1,\ldots, s’_n}$
$$ \sum_{s_1'\ldots s_N'}U_{s_1\ldots s_n,s'_1,\ldots, s'_n} U^\dagger_{s'_1\ldots s'_n,s''_1,\ldots, s''_n}=\delta_{s_1,s_1''}\ldots \delta_{s_N,s_N''} $$
$$ \ket{\Psi} = \sum_{s_{1:N}\in \{0,1\}^N} \Psi_{s_1\ldots s_N}\ket{s_1}_1\ket{s_2}_2\cdots \ket{s_N}_N $$
Write $\ket{s_1}_1\ket{s_2}_2\cdots \ket{s_N}_N =\ket{s_1\cdots s_N}=\ket{s_{1:N}}$
for brevity
Operator on $N$ qubits has matrix elements
$$ \mathcal{O}_{s_{1:N},s'_{1:N}} = \bra{s_{1:N}}\mathcal{O}\ket{s'_{1:N}} $$
A tensor is denoted by a blob with one leg for each index
Connecting legs denotes contraction: summing over a shared index
Multiplication by a Pauli matrix: $X$, $Y$, or $Z$.
General case $U = a_0\mathbb{1} + \mathbf{a}\cdot(X,Y,Z)$ with $|a_0|^2+|\mathbf{a}|^2=1$
Other special cases used in quantum information e.g. Hadamard gate
$$ H = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} $$
Work in basis $\ket{00}$, $\ket{01}$, $\ket{10}$, $\ket{11}$
Simplest example is SWAP gate
$$ \operatorname{SWAP}=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} $$.
$$ \operatorname{SWAP}\ket{10} = \ket{01} $$
$$ \sqrt{\operatorname{SWAP}}=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1}{2}(1+i) & \frac{1}{2}(1-i) & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1}{2}(1-i) & \frac{1}{2}(1+i) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} $$
$$ \sqrt{\operatorname{SWAP}}\ket{10} = \frac{1}{2}\left[(1+i)\ket{10}+(1-i)\ket{01}\right] $$
$\sqrt{\operatorname{SWAP}}$ conserves number of 1s and 0s
$\sqrt{\operatorname{SWAP}}$ together with arbitrary single qubit unitary operators form universal gate set that allows for universal quantum computation
$$ U = e^{i \phi} (u_+ \otimes u_-) V[J_x, J_y, J_z] (v_- \otimes v_+) $$
$$ \begin{align*} V[J_x, J_y, J_z] &= \exp \left[-i\left(J_x \sigma^x \otimes \sigma^x + J_y \sigma^y \otimes \sigma^y+ J_z \sigma^z \otimes \sigma^z\right)\right]\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i J_z} \cos(J_-) & 0 & 0 & -i e^{-i J_z \sin(J_-)} \\ 0 & e^{iJ_z} \cos(J_+) & -ie^{i J_z} \sin(J_+) & 0 \\ 0 & -ie^{i J_z} \sin(J_+) & e^{iJ_z} \cos(J_+) & 0 \\ -i e^{-i J_z \sin(J_-)} & 0 & 0 & e^{-i J_z} \cos(J_-) \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{align*} $$
Time evolution operator $U=\exp(-iHt)$
If $H=\sum_j h_j$ a sum of single qubit terms
$$ \mathcal{U} = \exp(-iHt) = \prod_j \exp(-ih_j) = \prod_j U_j $$ $$ U_j=\mathbb{1}\otimes \ldots \otimes\mathbb{1} \otimes \overbrace{u_j}^{j\text{th factor}} \ldots \otimes\mathbb{1} $$
$$ \begin{align*} h_{12} &= J\left[X\otimes X+Y\otimes Y+Z\otimes Z\right] =J\left[X_1X_2+Y_1Y_2 + Z_1Z_2\right]\\ &=2\operatorname{SWAP} - 1 \end{align*} $$ $$ U(J) = \exp(-ih_{12}) = e^{iJ}\left[\cos (2J) \mathbb{1} - i\sin (2J) \operatorname{SWAP}\right] $$
$$ U(\pi/4)=\operatorname{SWAP} $$ $$ U(\pi/8)=\sqrt{\operatorname{SWAP}} $$
$\mathcal{U}\neq \prod_{i,j} \exp(-ih_{i,j})$. More complicated!
Suzuki–Trotter expansion: decompose $H=H_A + H_B$
$$ \mathcal{U} = \exp(-iH) = \left[\exp\left(-\frac{iH}{n}\right)\right]^n \sim \left[e^{-iH_A/n} e^{-iH_B/n}\right]^n $$
$$ H = \sum_j h_{j,j+1} $$ $$ H_A = \sum_j h_{2j, 2j+1}\qquad H_B = \sum_j h_{2j-1, 2j} $$ $$ e^{-iH_A/n}=\prod_j U_{2j,2j+1}\qquad e^{-iH_B/n} = \prod_j U_{2j-1,2j} $$
$$ \begin{align*} H_{\text{KIM}}(t) = H_\text{I}[\mathbf{h}] + \sum_{n}\delta(t-n)H_\text{K}\\ H_\text{I}[\mathbf{h}]=\sum_{j=1}^L\left[J Z_j Z_{j+1} + h_j Z_j\right],\qquad H_\text{K} &= b\sum_{j=1}^L X_j, \end{align*} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{U}(n_+) &= \left[\mathcal{U}(1_+)\right]^n,\qquad U(1_-) = K I_\mathbf{h}\\ I_\mathbf{h} &= e^{-iH_\text{I}[\mathbf{h}]}, \qquad K = e^{-iH_\text{K}} \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{K} &= \exp\left[-i b X\right]\\ \mathcal{I} &= \exp\left[-iJ Z_1 Z_2 -i \left(h_1 Z_1 + h_2 Z_2\right)/2\right] \end{aligned} $$
State is vector in $2^N$ dimensional space
Updating involves acting with a unitary matrix
Naive matrix-vector multiplication $O(\operatorname{dim}^2)=2^{2N}$
Since gates gives sparse matrices update is $O(\operatorname{dim})=2^{N}$
Still exponentially hard in the number of qubits
Difficulty on classical computer basis of “quantum supremacy” based on circuit sampling
Measure empirical distribution of bit strings with fixed initial state
Total number of (time) steps $T$ taken is depth of the circuit. For low depth $T<N$ it pays to move horizontally instead
Problem of finding optimal contraction strategy in general is NP-hard
Google’s initial claim of supremacy disputed by supercomputer optimizations, followed by improved tensor network methods: Huang et al. (2020), Gray and Kourtis (2021), Pan and Zhang (2021), Napp et al. (2022)
Evaluate $\bra{\Psi}\mathcal{O}\ket{\Psi}=\bra{\Psi_0}\mathcal{U}^\dagger\mathcal{O}\mathcal{U}\ket{\Psi_0}$ for local operator $\mathcal{O}$
Simplest example: $X$, $Y$, or $Z$ for one qubit
$\mathcal{U}$ is overall unitary operator describing whole circuit
Have to consider both unitaries and conjugates
Introduce color-coded notation
$$ \sum_{\alpha,\beta}U^{\vphantom{\dagger}}_{a,b,\alpha,\beta} U^\dagger_{\alpha,\beta,c,d}=\delta_{ac}\delta_{bd} $$
Lines correspond to two indices, and therefore $2^2=4$ dimensions
Unitarity condition takes form:
RDM quantifies entanglement present in a quantum state describing a system composed of two subsystems A and B
General state is vector $\in\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_A\otimes\mathcal{H}_B$
Write in terms of basis vectors $\ket{a}_A$ and $\ket{b}_B$ for A and B subsystems $$ \ket{\Psi}_{AB} = \sum_{a=1}^{n_A}\sum_{b=1}^{n_B} \Psi_{ab}\ket{a}_A\ket{b}_B $$ $n_{A/B}=\operatorname{dim} \mathcal{H}_{A/B}$
Now regard $\psi_{ab}$ as matrix and perform a singular value decomposition
$$ \ket{\Psi}_{AB} = \sum_{n=1}^{\min(n_A, n_B)} \sigma_n \ket{u_n}_A\otimes\ket{v_n}_B $$
Note single sum, c.f. double sum earlier. This is Schmidt decomposition
$\sigma_n$ are Schmidt coefficients (singular values of SVD)
If only one nonzero singular value state we have product state, indicating no correlations between subsystems
$$ \left|\Psi^{+}\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(|0\rangle_A \otimes|1\rangle_B+|1\rangle_A \otimes|0\rangle_B\right) $$
Schmidt coefficients both $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$, indicating maximal entanglement
Schmidt decomposition closely related to RDM $$ \rho_A = \operatorname{tr}_B\left[\ket{\Psi}\bra{\Psi}\right] = \sum_n \sigma_n^2 \ket{u_n}\bra{u_n} $$
Eigenvalues of RDM are $p_n=\sigma_n^2$
$$ S^{(\text{vN})}_A \equiv -\operatorname{tr}\left[\rho_A\log \rho_A\right] $$
$\rho_A$ therefore has factor $\mathbb{1}_n$ for each site $n\in A$ with “partner” in $B$
If both qubits of a Bell pair are at sites $n,m\in A$ they give a factor $\ket{\Phi^+}_{nm}\bra{\Phi^+}_{nm}$: a pure state
Entanglement entropy has contributions from first case only
$$ S_A = \min(4\lfloor t/2\rfloor, |A|) \text{ bits} $$
$$ S_A = \min(4\lfloor t/2\rfloor, |A|) \text{ bits} $$
Ramp behaviour in many systems
In noninteracting systems or integrable systems, often explained in terms of the causal propagation of (quasi-)particles:
Toy model with SWAP gates is rather similar, with qubits playing the role of “noninteracting particles”
This picture remains true in circuits where there is no quasiparticle interpretation (next lecture)
$$ c_{\alpha \beta}(x,t) = \frac{1}{2^N}\tr\left[\sigma_{\alpha}(x,t) \sigma_{\beta}(0,0) \right],\qquad \sigma_\alpha(x,t)=\mathcal{U}^\dagger(t)\sigma_\alpha(x)\mathcal{U}(t) $$
Average overall all initial states uniformly
This is “infinite temperature”, although temperature is not defined
$$ c_{\alpha \beta}(x,t) = \frac{1}{2^N}\tr\left[\sigma_{\alpha}(x,t) \sigma_{\beta}(0,0) \right],\qquad \sigma_\alpha(x,t)=\mathcal{U}^\dagger(t)\sigma_\alpha(x)\mathcal{U}(t) $$
When $|x|>t$ unitarity condition leads to removal of all $U$s and $U^\dagger$s $$ c_{\alpha \beta}(x,t) = \frac{1}{4}\tr\left[\sigma_{\alpha}\right]\tr\left[\sigma_{\beta}\right]=0, $$ and correlations vanish (if operators are traceless)
Correlations only nonzero inside “light cone”
$q$ is local Hilbert space dimension ($q=2$ up to now)
Normalization factor by comparing with $\sigma_\alpha=\sigma_\beta=\mathsf{1}$ (here $t=4$)
$$ \begin{align*} \langle \sigma_{\alpha}(t,t) \sigma_{\beta}(0,0) \rangle &= \tr \left[\sigma_{\beta}\mathcal{M}_{-}^t(\sigma_{\alpha})\right] / q \\ &= \tr \left[ \sigma_{\alpha}\mathcal{M}_{+}^{t}(\sigma_{\beta})\right] / q \end{align*} $$
$\mathcal{M}_\pm$ are examples of quantum channels: completely positive trace preserving maps between spaces of operators
$\mathcal{M}_\pm$ have the additional property of being unital: $\mathcal{M}_\pm(\mathsf{1})=\mathsf{1}$
“One step inside” involves quantum channel acting on two-site operators: a space of dimension $q^4$.
Taking $s$ steps inside channel acting on $q^{2s}$-dimensional space
General situation is really exponentially hard, as we’d expect
How does a local operator “look” as it evolves in Heisenberg picture?
$Z_n(t)=\mathcal{U}^\dagger(t)Z_n \mathcal{U}(t)$ appears in $\langle Z_n(t)Z_m(0) \rangle$, but this is only one “component” of $Z_n(t)$
Any observable such as $Z_n(t)$ can be expressed as expansion $$ Z_n(t)= \sum_{\mu_{1:N}=\{1,x,y,z\}^N} \mathcal{C}_{\mu_{1:N}}(t) \sigma_1^{\mu_1}\otimes\cdots \sigma_N^{\mu_N} $$ $$ \mathcal{C}_{\mu_{1:N}}(0)=\begin{cases} 1 & \mu_j=z, \mu_k=1,\forall k\neq j \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
$$ Z_n(t)= \sum_{\mu_{1:N}=\{1,x,y,z\}^N} \mathcal{C}_{\mu_{1:N}}(t) \sigma_1^{\mu_1}\otimes\cdots \sigma_N^{\mu_N} $$
Operator norm $\tr\left[Z_n^2(t)\right]=2$ is conserved under time evolution
This implies the normalization
$$ \sum_{\mu_{1:N}=\{1,x,y,z\}^N} \mathcal{C}^2_{\mu_{1:N}}(t) = \frac{1}{2^{N-1}}. $$
Consider gate generated by exchange Hamiltonian: $$ U_{j,j+1} = \cos\theta \mathbb{1}_{j,j+1} + i\sin\theta \operatorname{\mathsf{S}}_{j.j+1} $$ $\operatorname{\mathsf{S}}_{j,j+1}$ denotes $\operatorname{\mathsf{SWAP}}$ gate on sites $j$ and $j+1$
Action of this gate on an operator is
$$ \mathcal{O} \longrightarrow U^\dagger_{j,j+1}\mathcal{O}U_{j,j+1} = \cos^2\theta \mathcal{O} + \sin^2\theta \operatorname{\mathsf{S}}_{j.j+1}\mathcal{O} \operatorname{\mathsf{S}}_{j.j+1} \\ -i\sin\theta\cos\theta \left[\operatorname{\mathsf{S}}_{j.j+1}, \mathcal{O}\right] $$
Consider ensemble averaged quantities
Take $\theta=\pm \theta_0$ with $p(\theta_0)-p(-\theta_0)\equiv \delta > 0$.
Averaging the evolved operator gives
$$ \overline{U^\dagger_{j,j+1}\mathcal{O}U_{j,j+1}} = \cos^2\theta_0 \, \mathcal{O} + \sin^2\theta_0 \, \mathsf{S}_{j.j+1}\mathcal{O} \mathsf{S}_{j.j+1} \\ +i\delta \sin\theta_0\cos\theta_0 \left[\mathsf{S}_{j.j+1}, \mathcal{O}\right] $$
$$ \begin{align*} i[\mathsf{S},\sigma^a\otimes 1]&=-\epsilon^{abc}\sigma^b\otimes\sigma^c\nonumber\\ i[\mathsf{S},1\otimes \sigma^a]&=\epsilon^{abc}\sigma^b\otimes\sigma^c\nonumber\\ i[\mathsf{S},\sigma^a\otimes \sigma^b]&=\epsilon^{abc}\left(\sigma^c\otimes 1- 1\otimes \sigma^c\right). \end{align*} $$
$$ \frac{d\bar{\mathcal{O}}}{dt} = \sum_j \left[iJ \left[\mathsf{S}_{j,j+1},\bar{\mathcal{O}}\right]+\left(\mathsf{S}_{j,j+1}\bar{\mathcal{O}}\mathsf{S}_{j,j+1}-\bar{\mathcal{O}}\right)\right] $$
No splitting and merging and terms
In single operator sector define $\mathcal{C}^a_{0\cdots \mu_k=a\cdots 0}\equiv C^a_k$ $$ \partial_t C^a_k = C^a_{k+1} + C^a_{k-1} - 2 C^a_k\equiv \Delta_k C^a_k, $$ diffusion of single $\sigma^a$ ($\Delta_k$ is 1D discrete Laplacian)
$$ \partial_t \mathcal{C}_{\mu_{1:N}} = \sum_j \left[J\epsilon_{\alpha\beta \mu_j \mu_{j+1}} \mathcal{C}_{\mu_1\cdots \alpha\beta \cdots \mu_N} + \mathcal{C}_{\mu_1\cdots \mu_{j+1}\mu_j \cdots \mu_N} - \mathcal{C}_{\mu_1\cdots \mu_{j}\mu_{j+1} \cdots \mu_N}\right] $$
Spreading suppressed at $J=0$ because we considered average
In any sample from our random circuit, single-site operator spreads to many sites
Random signs of coeffcients $\mathcal{C}_{\mu_{1:N}}$ means most average to zero: only the single site contributions remain
When $J\neq 0$ some contribution survives and this allows for a controlled expansion
We’d like a measure that is insensitive to these random signs